If you would like to use this calculator, download the package available here.

Note that the package comes with a basic HTML file that contains just the code needed to make the applet run. If you wish to add this to an existing page, simply add the line <applet codebase="Java_Classes" code="CertCalc.class" width=610 height=900></applet> to the HTML. The HTML file must be in the same directory as the Java_Classes directory, and the .class files, the images and the .ini files must be inside the Java_Classes directory.

If you want to move the location of the .class files, the images and the .ini files to somewhere else, then you will have to edit the codebase="Java_Classes" part of the applet line to point to the directory where the .class files and the images are stored. If you have problems, e-mail me at

The certification calculator has 2 .ini files. The certcalcvalues.ini holds all the names, descriptions and costs of the certs, as well as the colour scheme for the whole calculator. These can be edited by the webmaster to keep the calculator up to date without having to wait for me to update it.

The templates.ini holds all the templates for the calculator. Instructions on how to modify and add templates can also be found in the file.

The .ini files MUST be placed in the same directory as the .class files. Follow the instructions above.

The images and the certcalcvalues.ini file in the new package are labeled BLACK and WHITE. To use these current images and .ini file, simply remove the brackets from the filenames (I.E NC(White).jpg should be NC.jpg and certcalcvalues(black).ini should be certcalcvalues.ini). If you alter the colours of the calculator you will have to edit the image colours yourself.

Download the full calculator package HERE (Includes both .ini files) (Last updated 8th April 2005).

Download the latest CERTCALCVALUES.INI (Black) separately HERE (Last updated 8th April 2005) - NOTE - remove '(Black)' from filename.

Download the latest CERTCALCVALUES.INI (White) separately HERE (Last updated 8th April 2005) - NOTE - remove '(White)' from filename.

Download the latest TEMPLATES.INI separately HERE (Last updated 8th April 2005).

Being a new version this WILL have bugs. If you find any please e-mail me at immediatly so I can fix them. Thanks :-)

Go back to the BLACK or WHITE version of the calculator.