To get a .monster file to import do the following steps. 1. Log in to the Wizards site and open Adventure Tools. 2. Find the monster you want, click on it and click 'preview' in the top right. 3. Click 'export' and save the .monster file. To create a token to write to, do the following steps. 1. Open up a campaign and import the campaign properties. 2. Drag the token image you want onto the map and create a new token as an NPC. 3. Set the token to the size you want. 4. Double click on the token, go to 'config' and set the properties to '4th Edition Monster'. Click OK. 5. Right click on the token and save the rptok file. To populate your token details from the .monster file, do the following steps. 1. Run the TokenGenerator application. 2. Install any updates. 3. Click the 'Create Monster Token' button. 4. Navigate to and select your .monster file. 5. Navigate to and select your .rptok file you saved from above. 6. Drag the .rptok file onto MapTool and it will now be your updated token. To create multiple tokens at once, do the following steps. 1. Download all the .monster files you wish to import. 2. Run the TokenGenerator application. 3. Install any updates. 4. Click the 'Create Monster Token' button. 5. Navigate to and select all the .monster files. 6. Navigate to and select the token you would like to use as a template for creating all your monsters. 7. Navigate to and select the directory you would like your tokens to be output into. 8. The directory will now be populated with a set of tokens named after the monsters selected. Private or Public Macros If you select the 'Private Macro's' Checkbox, all macros will be invisible to players. Otherwise all information will be visible to players. For a better gaming experience for all, I recommend that DM's keep as much private as possible :-) Notes on macros - Every macro has a combination of the below options, all of these can take complex expressions (I.E 1d6+5). - Number of Attacks: This is the number of times the macro will run. Use for things like 'double attack' or 'twin strike' where two seperate attacks are made with 2 separate damage rolls. - Number of Targets: This is the number of creatures the power targets. Use for things like 'Scorching Burst' where one attack hits multiple targets for the same damage. - Miscellaneous Attack Bonus: The value to add to all attack rolls (blank to be prompted for a misc bonus for each roll). - Miscellaneous Damage Bonus: The value to add to all damage rolls.